Contact Info

The easiest way to contact me is by email; replace the “at” with the @ sign and take out the spaces.
deanyaschempp at
email at

Also easy is discord, if you already have it installed; here's an invite to my channel:


Second Life as Deanya Zenfold or Deanya Resident is good; I receive IMs to email.
Alternately, you might
read books and see stuff that I recommend at Amazon,
follow my business on Facebook,
friend me on Facebook,
hire me on Freelancer,
see the dumb personal pictures I post on GooglePlus,
link in with me on LinkedIn,
support me on Patreon,
pay me with PayPal,
see my scoops on ScoopIt,
listen to my radio show on SoundCloud,
direct message me on Twitter,
or check out my YouTube channel, where you might hear my husband play banjo or me play washboard.

Requests to chat to Deanya.Schempp on Skype must be pre-approved.